That mask: Tear it off
I want you to visualize a scenario where the person in front of you is talking loads of bullshit and is trying to make you believe that all of it is true. You are given all the possible justifications, examples, illustrations et al to believe whatever has been presented before you. The stage is all set to welcome you with those crummy, chintzy lies. Stories pour in every now and then and you are supposed to believe all of that.
Out of all this idiocy, imagine how frigging risible it is when you actually know the truth and act like you don't know anything. You keep mum just to see how far that person is gonna go with those tarradiddles. You are seriously a sweetheart to have the patience to do that. Or maybe, you just don't bother to indulge in that bull. You don't care a fig.

I wonder and wonder, yes, I do wonder as to how people can actually do that! Sigh!
Anyway, I tried to analyze this process for a while. And here it goes:
Whenever you do something wrong or are planning to do something which is contrary to morality, conscience or law, why on earth would you like the world to know about it? After all, you don't want that fake public image of yours to get sullied in any way. Why would you want that? The question is potent enough to knock the doors of your conscience. The hearts contain the truth- always. Even if you may be fooling the world around, you know what the actual story is. Things, out there from the subconscious do prick you, once in a while to tell you the truth. Sometimes, we shy away from the truth because we do not want to accept it in any way. Apparently, we do succeed. Deep within us, we know the actual story. We know it but make excuses and don't accept it. Then follows the 'story-making' part of this process.
Lies, lies and hundreds of lies. One lie follows the other and the cycle goes on.
The bottom-line is that what needs to be taken utmost care of is to beautify yourself from within. Beautify your soul. Appearances, gibberish tongue and fake smiles are of no use when it's all rotten from inside. Tear off this mask. Just tear it off.
© Aiman
© Aiman