Keep Going
I am a prisoner of my mind which forces me every time to ponder the pace with which time flies by. If I start writing about time all over again, for some hundredth time, it would be clearly understood as to how obsessed I am about it. I can't help it. Either I act too ignorant to realize that it is passing by or it is too clever a process to analyse. Whatever.
It is the ninth day of march. Nothing new, nothing different. Everything's monotonous. It has been like this for the past couple of months. There is no point of mulling over the way life has been taking us but then at times, you do feel like chewing over like a child. Demanding answers and posing uncanny questions! Children are peculiar creatures. They have funny ideas about life. They have a completely rummy attitude towards life. Innocence galore. Devoid of any sort of artful deceit whatsoever. We all were the same at some point of time. Whatever happened to that 'us'! We grew up and fell into the trap!
As they say, life's a rum go; an odd affair; a queer thing. We live it, in all possible ways. We do because that's the only option we have.
© Aiman