
People see you differently. There are varied opinions about a particular person. There can be two completely different ideas about who you are to two different people. It, more or less depends on which part you choose to show. You have the power to decide the mental reservations for different people.
The emotions or intellectual attributes, as they say, remain the same throughout your life. It is said that nature does not change. I feel it's partially true. With time, there can be considerable changes in your personality. An extrovert may change to an introvert within a specific period of time. The likes and dislikes of a person may drastically change. There can be a transformation of sorts within you. You never know where life can take you. You could be left to cross the most difficult paths on your own. There can be a lot of learning all through this phase.
People keep coming into our lives. Every now and then, we see new faces, get to know them, exchange stories and start making a brand new story. History repeats itself every time. People come and go. There are arrivals and departures. Not everything happens as per our will; it's all destined. At times, some arrivals take place even when we don't want them at all and then there are those departures from life which seem so difficult to bear. We find that whatever is decreed happens at its decided hour. Although we can't the judge the pros and cons of a particular situation at some instant of time, they don't cease to affect us. Gradually, there are modifications in what you are, what you believe and what you feel. Time changes everything. Still there seem to be some things which are unchangeable. Some indescribable chapters of your book. Yes, that's the saddest part of the story. Or perhaps not.
And there are always those opinions about you: Some may love you and some may hate you as well. You may be the most adorable creature for some. And you may be the source of rancor for others. The fact is that you can't please everyone every time. You don't have to, in the first place. By the bye, how beautifully it has been summarized here: "Who are you? Demon to some. Angel to others".
© Aiman