Random Realizations

I had been struggling hard to wait for a time like this when I’d grab some moments out of my oh-so-busy schedule to spit it all out. And now when I could actually feel the stage set, I turned numb. And I couldn’t understand this melancholy. What an urge I had been feeling for the past some days to write all of what was on my mind. Whatever happened to me and my scripturient self!

And now that I have finally started, it feels as amazing as it has always felt whenever I gave it a go. Things are pretty much the same. Neither has the sun stopped shining on us nor the moon. Yeah, trees are dying. Fall is in. The winds have gathered some strength. Nature, as always is naturally mesmerizing. Even though, apparently everything seems to be going good, I can feel that it is not. There’s this feeling which keeps dwelling deep down my soul, pricking my conscience and crying out loud that – No, something’s missing, man. The contentment which needs to be there is lost somewhere. Sometimes it gives me a feeling that may be; the approach is what needs an alteration. But at a certain point of time, this theory fails too. Some chapters of life are too complicated to be grasped with much accuracy. Or maybe, we tend to make them even more complicated. Each one of us is battling hard; some may be winning and some, losing. Although the win and the loss is momentarily ours but as humans, we get so involved with all of it that we judge every frigging situation real bad. Frankly, blankly, it’s all so philosophical.

Out of all this pandemonium and letdown, what gives my heart some sort of relief is this word – Sonder. It implies the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness- an epic story that continues around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you will never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra-sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk. How flawlessly perfect is that!

For the moment: Realizations, Impracticalities and Coffee – Epic Combination!

© Aiman


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